Heading to the runway near the hamlet of Deyras, some volunteers are waiting for me, the multi-axis ULM is out and apprehension starts to appear. The welcome is warm, Sylvain tells me he does all the necessary checks before a flight. We exchange a few words and he announces the program: the flight over the Gorges du Doux. I am happy, stressed but happy.
We settle on board the aircraft, double controls, seatbelt, locking doors ... everything is explained to me with a lot of pedagogy. I admit that I am a little concerned when Sylvain explains that the handle above my head is a parachute. Then He tells me "You will take control ! "Huh? Oh? Are you sure ? "Yes, that's les femmes de l’Air." Well the section is called "we tested for you ..." So I will do it.
Sylvain announces on the radio "St Victor - Deyras, Fox Juliet Yanki Alpha India, ULM in the car park, I line up and I take off runway 34, 2 people on board, for a local flight". I’m over stressed, but the sight that unfolds before my eyes makes me quickly forget all my worries.
The Jointine lake, the hamlet of Deyras, the village of Saint Victor, the Doux river that winds in the heart of its gorges, protected area sensitive natural zone. A little further, the Rhone Valley, I distinguish the bridges connecting Tain l'Hermitage and Tournon sur Rhône. I also see the Vercors moutains, a cloudy weather rob me the view of the Pilat moutains and Mont Gerbier de Jonc.
Sylvain gets me out of my contemplation by announcing "You take the handle? ". First the handle, then the pedals. "You see the spirit level, the bubble must stay in the center, so when you want to turn left, you lean the left handle and you press the pedal and vice versa for the right. "Child's play ... well almost!
He takes control as the airstrip approaches, the tour is already finished. Feet down, I do not regret having tested for you, What a thrill!
Are you ready to fly? Ladies meeting on March 17 for « Les femmes de l’Air ». Gentlemen (and ladies too) flights are possible all year round with the ULM club Les Airs des Choix.