The truffle

The black truffle of Drôme des Collines,  also named the black diamond, is a genuine jewel of gastronomy. The excellent chefs of our region know how to enhance the product. Truffle culture remains quite confidential, however our producers open their doors offering  a memorable experience at the heart of the truffle oak trees. Discover truffle hunting with a devoted « trufficulteur » accompanied by his faithful truffle-hunter tamed dog, taste dishes with truffle hints, enjoy the opening of the truffle season and the various markets organised by the « Noble Confrérie de la Truffe Noire ».

5 results
Tourist office partner
Truffière La Baume Saint Antoine
Truffière La Baume Saint Antoine
Tourist office partner
Brasserie La Rabasse
Brasserie La Rabasse
La Cage Aux Fleurs
La Cage Aux Fleurs
Tourist office partner
La Grande table de Michel Chabran
La Grande table de Michel Chabran